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COVID-19: Code of Conduct



At LIBERTY PERFROMING ARTS we aim to maintain a secure, caring and stimulating environment in which children are encouraged to have respect for themselves and each other.  In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, some adjustments have had to be made in order to ensure the safety of all pupils and staff.  They are as follows:


Arrivals, Departures and Moving Around 

Students will be met at the front door of West Leigh Baptist church (London Road entrance) and the WI Hall, Rayleigh by the teacher of their first class.  Upon entering the building students will be provided with hand sanitiser.  No parents/guardians are to enter the building unless there has been a prior agreement made with a member of staff.  Should this arrangement be made the parent/guardian will be required to wear a face covering at all times and maintain at least 2 meters distance from all staff and students.  They will also be required to sign in at the venue’s track and trace point.


Students will then be escorted to their first class.  When they arrive at their studio, they will be assigned a numbered chair to place their belongings on.  This will correspond with a numbered spot on the floor which will be their space to dance in.


At their designated home time, students will be escorted to the rear door of the venue.  Again, there should be no reason for parents/carers to enter the site. 


In order for this system to work it is imperative that good time keeping is maintained by both parents and teachers.  It is also crucial that you notify Miss Emma if your child will not be attending class that day either via email (, Facebook messenger via the Liberty page (@libertyperformingartsessex) on the Liberty family Facebook page or via phone call or text (07483 232396). 


Movement around the site will be limited and students will always be encouraged to keep 2 meters apart at all times.  All internal doors will be propped open in order to avoid touching, with the exception of toilet cubicle doors.



Handwashing and Hygiene 

Children will be expected to follow all hand washing and hygiene routines. Children will be required to use the supplied antibacterial hand gel when entering the building, before and after eating and at regular intervals during the day.  I encourage parents/guardians to provide hand sanitising gel for students to use. 


We ask the children to follow the catch it, bin it, kill it mantra. If they need to cough or sneeze, they should use a tissue or the crook of their arm (and therefore ‘dab’). 



Social Distancing

We ask that parents use social distancing when queuing outside to drop off/collect their child.  


Students will have their own designated “spot” inside any space used which they will be expected to try and stay within. Children should put their hand up if they need adult support rather than come up to them.


Teachers will not be permitted to physically correct a child and will only make physical contact with a student in cases of emergency and then PPE equipment will be worn.


We understand socially distancing may be difficult for younger children, they will be encouraged wherever possible to keep their distance from peers and adults, however, we understand this may difficult for some students.




Students are only allowed to enter the toilets one at a time. When a child has finished in the toilet, they must wash their hands.  Students will be escorted to the toilet but the member of staff will remain outside.



Break Times

If your child has a gap in their timetable, you either have the option to collect and return them, or allow them to stay on site.  If you choose for your child to have their break at Liberty, they will be provided with their own supervised, socially distanced space during this time.  It is expected that the students remain in this space during their break.  If this applies to your child, I would suggest providing them with a quiet activity they can do during this time, such as reading, however this must not be shared with other students.



Belongings, food and drink

Please provide a bag/rucksack that can hold all your child’s belongings.  Staff will not be permitted to help carry student’s belongings for them, so it is important to ensure they have a bag large enough to hold everything.  Children must have responsibility for their own equipment and make sure they are not shared with other pupils.


Students MUST bring a bottle of water to class, in a leak-proof bottle that will not spill in their bag.  The kitchen at the church will be closed and so I will not be able to provide a drink if they forget it.  No fizzy drinks are permitted.


If your child does several classes, they are still allowed to take snacks with them.  However, these must not be shared with other students and must be eaten within their space.  All rubbish must be taken home by the student.  Please remember we have a NO NUT policy.


Students will be allocated a numbered plastic chair to keep their belongings on.  This will be sanitised between uses.




Props will no longer be provided for students to use in class.  If an item is required for a lesson this will be advised prior to the class via email.  Younger students (pre-school and reception age) are permitted to take in a doll or soft toy from home to dance with, but this must not be shared with other students and should fit into their bag.  This may be comforting to younger students when returning to class.  However, I find it becomes a distraction with students older than this.




The government recommends that we keep the space as well ventilated as possible.  Therefore, along with the doors being propped open, the windows will be kept open too.  It is recommended that students bring a dance cardigan and tights/leggings on particularly chilly days.



Clothing and PPE

The uniform remains the same.  Long hair must also be tied back and piercings must be removed or covered with tape before coming to class.


Staff and students age 11 and over will be required to wear a face covering when moving around the building but not during the class.  When no face covering is worn, 2 meters social distancing must be observed.



Keep us informed

Communication is key! By signing (ticking) the Liberty Terms & Conditions, you are agreeing that your child will NOT attend class if they are displaying any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 or have done within the past 14 days. We also ask that you inform us if the student or member of their household has knowingly experienced or encountered someone displaying the symptoms of COVID-19 or someone who has tested positive in the last 14 days.



LIBERTY PERFORMING ARTS will continue to work under the guidelines provided by the government and recommendations from WHO in order to ensure the safety of Liberty students, staff and their families.  Timetables and guidelines are subject to change should we be required to do so.


By working together as a team – staff, parents, and students, we can ensure that the children are able to continue to attend Liberty safely and still have lots of fun!

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